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Corporal Charles Cambre

Baton Rouge Police Department

NFL Week 2 - Sept. 17, 2017 - Saints vs Patriots

Nominated by: Baton Rouge Union of Police

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Our first honoree is Corporal Charles Cambre of Livingston Parish. Corporal Cambre has devoted his career to Law Enforcement and 10 years to the Baton Rouge Police Department. He enjoys the outdoors, grilling, spending time with his family and serving next to his Brothers in Blue. He is a devoted husband and father to three boys.


Corporal Cambre is pictured here receiving the Medal of Merit for his bravery during the tragic Baton Rouge police shooting on July 17, 2016. 


The Kelly Gibson Foundation is proud to recognize Corporal Cambre and all of the men and women in uniform for their service, sacrifice and dedication to keep our communities safe.

Lieutenant Bruce Simmons

Baton Rouge Police Department-Traffic/Motorcycle Division

NFL Week 2 - Sept. 17, 2017 - Saints vs Patriots

Nominated by: Baton Rouge Union of Police

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Our second honoree this week is Lieutenant Bruce Simmons of East Baton Rouge Parish. Lt. Simmons has served in Law Enforcement since April of 1993. He has been assigned to multiple departments including the Crime Response Team, Special Response Team, Armed Robbery/Burglary and Uniform Patrol. He is currently assigned to the Traffic/Motorcycle Division and has been an Honor Guard Member since 2008.

On July 17, 2016, Lieutenant Simmons was one of the officers wounded during the tragic Baton Rouge police shooting. For his bravery that day, he received the Medal of Valor.

The Kelly Gibson Foundation is proud to recognize Lieutenant Simmons and all of the men and women in uniform for their service, sacrifice and dedication to keep our communities safe.

Corporal Chad Montgomery

Baton Rouge City Police-Missing Persons Bureau

NFL Week 2 - Sept. 17, 2017 - Saints vs Patriots

Nominated by: Baton Rouge Union of Police

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Our third honoree is Corporal Chad Montgomery of Livingston Parish. Corporal Montgomery has been a law enforcement officer for 23 years and currently works for the Baton Rouge City Police. Over his career, he has worked in Uniform Patrol, Narcotics, Drug Interdiction and is now with the Missing Persons Bureau. He enjoys hunting, fishing and spending time with his family.


Corporal Montgomery was one of the officers wounded during the tragic Baton Rouge police shooting on July 17, 2016. He is a Medal of Valor recipient for his bravery that day.


The Kelly Gibson Foundation is proud to recognize Corporal Montgomery and all of the men and women in uniform for their service, sacrifice and dedication to keep our communities safe.

Rick Hall

US Army and Ohio National Guard

NFL Week 6 - Oct. 15, 2017 - Saints vs Lions

Nominated by: The Bastion Community and Team Red, White & Blue

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Our organization is proud to honor Rick Hall as our KGF Community Hero for Week 6. At 20 years old Rick joined the Army and was stationed at Fort Hood, serving with the 1st Cavalry Division. In 2002, Rick was deployed to South Korea and was selected by the United Nations Honor Guard Company. He was assigned to 1st platoon where he served as an M249 machine gunner and guarded General Leon J. LaPorte, Supreme Allied Commander of the UN Forces Pacific, as well as numerous visiting dignitaries and VIPs. In 2003, Rick left Active Duty and joined the Ohio National Guard where he was deployed to Belgium as a part of a team that guarded NATO facilities and 7th Air Force bases. A final deployment in 2008 led Rick to Iraq with the Military Police Unit of Denver, CO. He served near Baghdad International Airport, where he participated in detainee operations. Afterwards, Rick was Honorably discharged.


Rick currently resides in New Orleans where he is studying Homeland Security and Emergency Management at Tulane University. He serves as the 1st Platoon Leader for The Mission Continues New Orleans, is an active member of the Bastion Community of Resilience, VFW Post 8973 and Team Red, White & Blue. Rick enjoys traveling for pleasure, military service or humanitarian efforts.


We would like to thank Rick and all of the men and women in uniform for their service, sacrifice and dedication to keep our communities safe.

John Michael Eddleman

US Army Reserve, US Navy and US Navy Reserve, East Jefferson General Hospital, Kenner Fire Department

NFL Week 8 - Oct. 29, 2017 - Saints vs Bears

Nominated by: Angel's Place

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John Michael Eddleman started his service with the Army Reserve from 1992-1996. From there he enlisted in the Navy from 1997-2007 and Navy Reserve from 2007-2010. Since 2009, he has worked as an EMS for East Jefferson General Hospital. In addition to his service, John Michael has also been a part of the Kenner Fire department since 2010. 

John Michael is the founder and president of Fishing With Angels. This organization provides a fishing charter to any child with any medical diagnosis for free. The child receives a rod & reel, t-shirt and tackle box along with the fish filets that were caught that day.

We would like to thank John Michael for his service and are very pleased to recognize him for everything he has done for his community and our country.

US Army Medic, NOPD-Crisis Intervention Team

NFL Week 9 - Nov. 5, 2017 - Saints vs Buccaneers

Nominated by: New Orleans Police and Justice Foundation

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Pictured with our honoree, Sgt. Glaudi, are his two sons who are also Sergeants with the NOPD

Sgt. Glaudi has been a member of the NOPD since 1960. For 57 years, he has tirelessly served our community with the force and currently is an active member of the NOPD Crisis Intervention Team. CIT officers receive specialized training from mental health experts focused on techniques and best practices for minimizing the use of force against individuals in crisis due to mental illness or a behavioral disorder.  In 1983 he formed the Crisis Transportation Service, which still operates today. Prior to his service with the NOPD, Ben served as an Army Medic in Korea during the Korean conflict from 1951-1953. He also pitched in professional baseball in his earlier years.


We congratulate Sgt. Glaudi on his promotion to Sergeant Major on October 4th, 2018. It is only the second time in history that any NOPD member has received this honor. He has since received a Badge of Honor award as well.
We would like to thank Sgt. Glaudi for his service and are very pleased to recognize him for everything he has done for his community and our country as both a First Responder and an Army Veteran. We thank all the men and women in uniform for their service and sacrifice to keep our country and communities safe.

Sergeant Alexander Ponce

United States Marine Corps

NFL Week 11 - Nov. 19, 2017 - Saints vs Redskins/Commanders

Nominated by: Team Red, White & Blue


Alexander "Alex" Ponce is a Marine veteran who served from 2002-2010, reaching the rank of Sergeant as Field Artillery Cannoneer. He served a tour in Iraq during Operation Enduring Freedom/Iraqi Freedom from February - May of 2003. He helped train members of the Jordanian Military in Operation Infinite Moonlight in August 2005 and served with the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit from March - September of 2005.


Alex resides in New Orleans and is a proud father to his daughter, Stephanie, and grandfather to his granddaughter, Mia. He is active in his community and participates in numerous community groups. He volunteers in the Big Brother Program and is active in his church, where he mentors young children.


We are proud to honor Sgt. Ponce and thank all the men and women in uniform for their service and sacrifice to keep our country and communities safe.

Brandon Dorrington

US Army

NFL Week 13 - Dec. 3, 2017 - Saints vs Panthers

Nominated by: The Bastion Community


Specialist Brandon Dorrington served as an infantryman in the U.S. Army from 2000-2006. He was deployed to Iraq in 2003 and again in 2004 to Afghanistan. After being honorably discharged from the Army in 2006, Brandon came to New Orleans to help with the Katrina recovery efforts and has been here since. He went on to get a degree in History from Dillard University and just received his Masters in Criminal Justice and holds a particular interest in community policing.

We are proud to honor Brandon and thank all the men and women in uniform for their service and sacrifice to keep our country and communities safe.

Chief Deputy Don Bass

New Orleans Police Department, Hancock County Sheriff's Office

NFL Week 15 - Dec. 17, 2017 - Saints vs Jets

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Chief Deputy Bass has over 44 years in law enforcement both in New Orleans and in Mississippi. He was in New Orleans until 2000 when he retired after 27 years of service in the area. He has continued his career in Hancock County, Mississippi, for the last 17 years. Chief Bass has been instrumental in the reorganization of the Hancock County Sheriff's office and has brought professionalism, accountability and thorough training to make his agency one of the top on the coast.


We are pleased to honor Don and thank all the men and women in uniform for their service and sacrifice to keep our country and communities safe.

Sergeant Steven W. Williams

United States Marine Corps, Army National Guard, East Baton Rouge Sheriff's Office

NFL Week 16 - Dec. 24, 2017 - Saints vs Falcons

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Sergeant Williams is a resident of Denham Springs, Louisiana, and is another one of our honorees who is both a first responder and a veteran. He served in the Marine Corps from 1993 to 1997, and then served in the Army National Guard. In December of 1997, he joined the East Baton Rouge Sheriff’s Office while still in the Guard. After Hurricane Katrina in 2005, his unit (239th MP Company) responded to the Superdome. His unit served over nine months in the New Orleans area. After serving two Combat tours in Iraq and various other deployments, he received the Combat Action Badge and numerous achievement awards. Steven retired from the Armed forces with 21 years of service in August of 2014. He is currently a Supervisor in the Zachary Plains Substation. Steven is married to Janna Williams (who is also an Army Veteran) and has 6 children.


We are pleased to honor Steven and thank all the men and women in uniform for their service and sacrifice to keep our country and communities safe.

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